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Nuevo vídeo de Quaoar ‘Tough Guy’

Segundo vídeo de los bilbaínos Quaoar, presentación de su tercer disco ‘Dreamers. Dreaming‘, y dirigido por Karlos Trijueque. Escogen una biblioteca con libros desperdigados por el suelo para lucir su rock setentero─noventero internacional de página desplegable de Classic Rock. Le cantan a un tío duro, pero para duros ellos, que aguantan sin despeinarse intensas sesiones de headbanging. Los de Wella no lo hubieran hecho mejor.


Second video of the guys from Bilbao Quaoar, introduction of their third record, ‘Dreamers. Dreaming‘, and directed by Karlos Trijueque. They choose a library with books all over the floor to enhance their 70s─90s International rock that could be the folder page of Classic Rock. They sing to a tough guy, but they are the toughest ones in town,as they bear sessions of headbanging without messing up their hair. They couldn’t do any better in a Wella ad.

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